Saturday, June 1, 2013


                                             The Opera.

Walking through the Opera was such a great opportunity. Although its no Versailles, (J) It was still one of the most over the top decadent buildings I’ve seen here. Being more than just a beautiful structure, it’s also impressive on a whole new level from what I’ve looked at through out Paris. The Opera is still a fully functional Opera, when we were there they had their tech crew in the theater, working on lights and moving stage props. It was a really cool thing to see them still working, as tourist and school groups are walking about, the Opera still works. In Fact Jessie and Keri, went to the Opera last night, I haven’t had time to talk to them about it yet, but I’m sure they had a fabulous time. There is something to be said about keeping such a massive structure and holding it to its true function, after so many years, wars, and revolutions. It’s pretty remarkable.

          ^   The View from outside of the Opera

<   When you first enter the Opera, there were these bright bright                  purple neon lights, beautiful in parts but also distracting

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