Sunday, June 2, 2013

Another Day of Self Exploration

Performer at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Being in Paris has been quite the memorable experience. Having this class out of the country is leaving me with a broader perspective in life. I need time to gather all of the thoughts circulating in my head, and let experiences simmer for a bit to digest it all efficiently. Departing for London, England tomorrow –  I am highly anticipating the trip over there for a few days. While in London, I will be keeping in touch over this blog at least once and posting a few photos and a personal journal entry.
Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy

Inspiration is highly abundant for my studio project right now and I am elated to start conjuring up more of the process to it.

While on my self exploration of the city by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France– and the Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy. - these are the two photos that I wanted to share. 

Hope you all enjoy the photos in my next blog post.

- Sincerely, Lauren W.

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