Monday, June 10, 2013

Letter to Future Student: Robert Matthiesen

Dear Future Student,
I wanted to travel on an International program because I am a hands-on learner. I thought that being able to learn about art history by experiencing it would work well for me. For me, seeing and touching is much more beneficial than simply reading in an art history book. Normally, travel will push you out of your comfort zone. It will force you to learn and see new things in new light. It ignites new ideas and motivates one to want to know more. Educational travel pushes you even further. It gives direction and structure to the experience. This trip expanded my artistic ideas and strengthened my foundation knowledge for future projects.
My expectations were simple. I wanted to see a lot of famous art and learn a great deal from it. These expectations were not just met. They were exceeded. Using the 6 scales that Chris and Eric taught us, I was about to learn and study the art in a whole new way. With so much exposure to art, my thoughts were jumping with ideas and concepts to explore. I kept a list of these ideas that I plan to work on in the future.
Overall the Paris trip served as a learning point to reflect on the past and to fuel further explorations. Every student is unique with different favorite parts. I really enjoyed that Chris and Eric tried to at least touch on all the art movements as we traveled around Paris.
There was something for everyone. Keeping an open attitude allowed me to enjoyed areas of art and history that I would not have sought out on my own.
Learning is a never-ending process. Everything that I had studied previously became the foundation for this trip. The many group and one-on-one discussions allowed me to expand my base knowledge. Experiencing the art with others allowed us to have shared experiences for these discussions. One of my strengths was talking about Monet. He is one of my favorite painters.  Sharing some little known facts with Eric, I was encouraged to research Monet and Impressionism even further.
This is an once-in-a-lifetime experience. You will see art that you have only talked about in school but then to experience it in person changes everything. You will notice little details you that cannot be captured in a book.
Let me close with these suggestions. Done worry. Relax. Everything is going to be all right. For example, the language was the biggest issue I had while in Paris. Learning some key phrases and being polite worked wonders. Most businesses are more then willing to try and help you. Also, at this time of year, Paris does not get dark until almost 10:30 so plan for long days and little sleep. Go on walks at the end of the day to soak up the culture and reflect on your experiences.
Best wishes,
Robert Matthiesen

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