Saturday, June 1, 2013

Natalie_Mussee d'Orsay

Mussee d'Orsay 

The Mussee d'Orsay was one of my favorite museums on the trip. It was built as a railway station, the main one in and out of the city. Since then it has been converted into a museum, however the station itself still makes itself present in the current architecture and the metal work. The way the light is able to enter the numerous glass skylights and flood the main entry way with natural light allows the sculptures housed there to be shown to their best ability. 

One of the rounded skylights that are present at the Orsay 

The large train station clock which has elaborate gilded leaves on the side. 

The d'Orsay had a beautiful Art Nouveau permanent exhibit. Photographs were not allowed but I snuck this one in of an Art Nouveau Jewelry piece. The exhibit housed furniture, rooms with the recreation of wall panels, and the detail work on furniture sets. Until viewing this exhibit I had aways been intrigued by Art Nouveau but wasn't quite sure if I was crazy about the end aesthetic. However, this walkthrough completely changed my mind and cemented Art Nouveau as something I would have loved to have been a part of. The way the environment created a "trickling" and organic feel immediately. 

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