Saturday, June 1, 2013

Some Photos

 These are just some photos that I have taken over the course of the trip. Things that have been visually really attractive, and in their creation a learning experience. Above is Musee Pompidou, which house's more modern and contemporary works. The Pompidou was a really wonderful experience, I was able to see works that I have been looking at online for my entire MIAD career, and to see them in person is amazing. One of the more famous works I saw was the Fountain, (R.Mutt), It's so funny because I have seen that a million times online and was expecting greatness. When I got to the piece, it was a little lack luster. but I guess that really part of the piece though. I feel like after all my travels throughout the world I have seen almost every Picasso Piece. Okay maybe not every but I've seen quite a bit. The Pompidou had many many pieces. Below are also photos from a slide show I did comparing Picasso and Hans Bellmer and how they have depicted women throughout their works. Doing little assignments like that have been nice in way to take you a step back from the seeing all the time and bring you to the understanding. 

This is an image looking up at the Pantheon, also a pretty remarkable place, although at the moment they are having some structural issue. Which is funny because Rome did this way before Paris and they are still standing strong. 

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