Saturday, June 1, 2013

Natalie_The Star & The Arab Institute

The Star & The Arab Institute

I have decided to focus on the eight sided star in my research paper which will carry into my studio practice for the end of our trip. I discussed with Chris and Eric how the star popped up in many unexpected places throughout our trip here in Paris. Variations on the star,  like the five sided version, came up in churches/chapels and even at the opera. 

Here the star makes an appearance in the smallest parts of the "aperature" style windows at the Arab Institute.

Its difficult to see with the quality of this photograph but even the bolts in the water grates of the sidewalk had a star shape to them.  

Here the star shape is carried out throughout the courtyard tile

Today I was also able to visit Mussee du Nassim Camando which is pictured above. Named after a son of the wealthy banker who owned and built the property, the Masion houses an amazing art collection from a prestigious family of the 20th and 21st centuries. I gathered that eventually the family did not make it past WW2 era, however when the father and owner of the property grew old he willed the estate to France in the 1920's.

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