Saturday, June 8, 2013

Enchantment by London

London England, how enchanting one may find a city to be. The arrival to this city was indeed magnificent. A ride upon the Eurostar provided ample transportation in a matter of hours with scenery so breathtaking. The immense speed that this train was going forth with…it created an environment quite unique. The clouds enchanted me. Never have I seen clouds quite like this before.

It was as if they were frozen in time, slowly being broken apart. I believe the rapidity of the train constructed this. Never before have I traveled at such an accelerated speed on land, ...where clouds – so close to the ground, I was able to see the whole that comprised of the form, in a seemingly static quality only because of the dynamic pace I was traveling at. I was instantly in awe, inspired - gazing out the window for most of the duration of the journey to London.
Upon arrival to London, the ecstatic quality of the city soon rubbed shoulders with me. There was already a significant culture difference in comparison to what I have perceived in Paris. I was giddy by the fact there would be far less confusion in communication; seeing as there was no prominent language barrier here.

The first day was slowly paced; settling in was much needed. However, the days to follow were leisurely lived, yet noticeably productive. These days were conducive to grand memories and experiences.

Second day in – A Tuesday, the itinerary for the day would be as followed: A visit to the Tate Modern, crossing the Millennium Bridge, a leisurely stroll around the city, visiting Buckingham Palace, and ending the evening with a proper dinner: Fish and Chips.

Third Day: A Visit to Abbey Road and Abbey Road Studios, a stroll through Green Park – this park not only grand in size, the atmosphere of the surrounding area was relaxed, exactly what I needed. A few galleries including Whitechapel Gallery and White Cube were visited, shopping at Fortnumand Mason – for gifts and tea, and sight seeing in Parliament Square...and a show - Singing in the Rain.

Fourth Day: Self-exploration of the city, a visit to the Design Museum for the Designs of the Year 2013 exhibition, a walk to The Gherkin, strolling across the Tower Bridge, and ending the evening once again with Fish and Chips and a lovely view of the city.

My time in London was well spent, and was as well conducive to a magnificent learning experience, and a marvelous gain in cultural awareness. I conceive an abundant fondness of London, and would enjoy visiting again someday…someday soon.

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