Monday, May 27, 2013


  Musee Qaui Branley really made my head turn into scrambled eggs. First of all the whole building on the outside is amazing! it has such great landscape, with wild flowers and plants growing all around, and then this massive structure that like a boulder, with beautiful reds and steels. The building is really unique on a lot of different levels, first of all the had each side of the building designed beautifully (top, left, right, and bottom)

  on top of having such a beautiful exterior In Interior was absoultly mind blowing. with the exhibits that had, to the lay out of the exhibits.

I was really interested in the upper level exhibit, it was all about hair and women, and it just really floored me I was speechless. above, theres a photo of the back of a bust that was in the Hair show, and within in that, there are reflections all around of different photographs and then the best part of that is a little girl. She just really made the image for me.

>to the side here and right above were some photos I took outside of Quai Branley. There was this giant glass wall, separating the rest of paris from Quai Branley. So the wall was absolutely stunning, but was even more intriguing to me was the reflects, and watching people walk past.

Overall Quai Branley gets a two thumbs!

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