Friday, May 24, 2013

Musée Rodin and Musée d'Orsay

Today we went to Musée Rodin and also Musée d'Orsay. While Musée Rodin had some very beautiful pieces I was more excited about seeing the impressionist paintings in Musée d'Orsay. I just fell in love with a couple of the Alfred Sisely's paintings. I am already planning on going back to Musée d'Orsay with my family. On the 5th floor there were these chairs that were like big bean bag chairs. There were tons of people just asleep on these chairs. Those people annoy me. They are in one of the best museum of the world and they are sleeping. I just don't understand it.

But back to the art --- I loved seeing Monet's water lilies but I am more of a fan of the water lilies from Kansas City.  Now I realize that I’ve been spoiled growing up with it. A few years ago, the museum hosted a special exhibition that included the other two paintings of the triptych. It was a wonderful experience because they created a learning center right next to it. It included x-ray photographs and information on Monet’s techniques. At the time, I thought it was interesting but now I have a deeper appreciation of that exhibit. 

I loved seeing all of Monet's other paintings. I am planning on spending a whole day there after the trip.  On the 5th floor, they slowly stepped in to impressionism, getting loser and freer with every painting. It was also more of a timeline as you walked along it got later and later. Very lovely way it was set up. The only thing I would say to change about the place is to add more seating around to be able to sit and appreciate the art. All in all great museum.

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